Saturday, March 22, 2014

Chapter 5 - Temptations

December had turned into January and then into February. And somehow work had become bearable once again. Liz was enjoying the cool weather and enough distractions at work to bring about some sort of satisfaction from the normal, mundane and monotonous.

Old friends would take her out now and not embarrassed to be with her. After all, she had lost a considerable amount of weight and was at least, appearing to look better. She liked what she saw in the mirror, even if it was a bit saggy here and there.

And so, it was dinner with friends tonight where she would get the usual comments, wowo you look good! And must be a guy?? But there never was a guy and hadn't been one for quite some time.

She was at the restroom door when she got a tap on her shoulder, which made her jump, at least two feet.

"Geez! You scared the shit out of me!"

"Funny", he said. "what are you up to?"

"Dinner! Come meet my friends!"

"I'm with my wife, I'll bring her!"

She went into the restroom and met him coming out,  walked over to his table where he made quick introductions and then they all went over to her table.

Ramiro and his wife were fun, alive and kept everyone on their toes all night. Liz never had a better time. At the end of the evening, they all said goodnight but she needed to hit the restroom one more time, where once again she ran into him. He grabbed her.

"Thanks," and he hugged her.

She was startled again, but gave him a hug back. That's when he held her for a moment and sort of whispered in a low voice, " Are you ready for this?"

Of course she laughed and pulled away. She knew he was kidding.

There would be other times. Liz would need to be strong.  Afterall, he was twenty years younger then she, even if he was almost impossible to refuse. He was an extremely good looking man. Liz would have her day dreams but never gave it any serious thought. But there was something so intriguing about him. And even if she said no, she wanted to say yes. She would have to keep telling herself stories...he's married and way too young.....and I can't do this.....

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