Saturday, March 26, 2016

I'm Done

I'm done, seems like I've been here before
like two years ago, 
when my heart felt the blows
 I longed for you, but 
you said we were done
and I hung on 'til
I thought I had won

I'm really done, this time.
then I get sucked back in 
on just a whim of a word
crack of your smile
your laugh and I'm
there, sucked in
with a promise
to stay awhile

But then it never
comes to be
that time when we
were just we
when we were so close
came a promise and a joke

I'm not sure what it was
what ever the dream was
why I saw something
or thought it was something
when all it was
was free
a little bit of heaven
was what it was to be

I'm done. I've been here before
I've heard that knocking
on my door
but my heart doesn't want to go
holds me back, 
I don't know what for

Tears upon me, now
I'm done with this 
for real
pretend there never was
this deal, 
and heart can let me go
this hurt this love this man
for real... 

It's over. I'm done.

March  2016