Last night I pretended you were here.
You came in like you owned the place, took your shoes off and sat down on the couch.
I was nervous and tried to think of just the right things to say
When I moved closer to you, you stood up. When I moved back, you sat back down.
I know you wanted to see me, but you didn't know what to do when you got here.
We watched the news and hardly spoke.
Then, you asked me if I wanted something at the store.
To which I said, yes, ice cream please.
Your eyes lit up when you said, "I'll be right back!"
Seems like you were gone forever. I did up some dishes;
fixed my hair, again; sprayed Juicy perfume all over the couch;
checked my lip gloss and finally sat back down, in my corner.
When you came back, you went straight to the kitchen.
A few minutes later you came out with two bowls of ice cream with
whipped cream and chocolate syrup swirled around in it.
You gave one to me and then sat at my feet and ate yours.
Then you put your bowl down and said, "you have nice feet."
"Thank you," I was so nervous.
"You have nice legs too and gorgeous eyes. Come here and sit with me.."
I was so taken, I immediately put down my bowl and scooted to the floor.
"Your hair is beautiful," you said as you reached across me and put your hand
in my hair.
I could not hear a word you were saying when you grabbed me and
kissed me. That kiss never ended and we found ourselves on the floor
the next morning.
When you woke up, you said, "Have to go," then you hugged me and left.
I pretended it was okay to leave.
I pretended not to care.
When I saw you a little later I told you that I was with someone else.
You acted like you were hurt.
But I pretended it didn't matter.
I saw you last night with her.
When you saw me and tried to talk to me
I pretended I didn't see you there.
And then I pretended not to cry.
And pretended I didn't love you anymore.
Tonight I'll pretend you came back to me
and this time, I'll pretend that I love you and
never, never, never let you go.
June 2013.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
So Not Another Sad Sad Song....
so not like any other day
so not without you
so not like even yesterday
so not being here all alone
and trying to move on, movin' on
like all those sad sad songs.....
so not your words you
said to me
so not the way you
want it to be
so not your heart that
skips a beat
so not a conversation
on the phone
and trying to figure out
why you're stringin' me along
like all those sad sad songs
now I'm not gonna chase you
and I'm not going to set you
I'm just about to regulate ya'
and you aren't going to
even see
how much I really really love
how much I really really care
there is no settin' free
about ya'
I'm not lettin' this thing get me
your not leavin' me be
I'm not leavin' without ya'
because, it'so not like any other day
so not like this day, without you
so not like even yesterday
so I'm not being here at all
alone without ya'
and you're not movin on movin on
like all those sad sad songs
all those sad sad songs
So not, not stringin/ me along
so not just another sad sad song
just another sad sad love song
June 2013 Lyrics
so not without you
so not like even yesterday
so not being here all alone
and trying to move on, movin' on
like all those sad sad songs.....
so not your words you
said to me
so not the way you
want it to be
so not your heart that
skips a beat
so not a conversation
on the phone
and trying to figure out
why you're stringin' me along
like all those sad sad songs
now I'm not gonna chase you
and I'm not going to set you
I'm just about to regulate ya'
and you aren't going to
even see
how much I really really love
how much I really really care
there is no settin' free
about ya'
I'm not lettin' this thing get me
your not leavin' me be
I'm not leavin' without ya'
because, it'so not like any other day
so not like this day, without you
so not like even yesterday
so I'm not being here at all
alone without ya'
and you're not movin on movin on
like all those sad sad songs
all those sad sad songs
So not, not stringin/ me along
so not just another sad sad song
just another sad sad love song
June 2013 Lyrics
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Thoughts of Sharlotte
He knew he had made a mistake the
minute he said it, but the damage was done.
Her face dropped as she realized he was
talking to her and that all the promises
he had made were not to be.
She pretended not to hear as she excused
herself from the room, tears beginning
to roll down her cheeks.
He also knew he couldn't go after her.
It would be too obvious. He had to let
her go, a big lump in his throat.
He looked down , trying to gather
his thoughts and emotions. A panic set
over him.
The restroom was crowded as she
made her way to the open stall.
She was crying uncontrollably now.
She knew exactly what he meant.
She just couldn't' believe he had just
told the world.
She sobbed for the love they
may have had.
He had to leave the room, go find
her, apologize, figure this out...what
to say to her, what to do.
He walked in to the ladies room.
She heard him but couldn't believe
he had come, no qualms on entering
the woman's restroom. She
stayed quiet.
He was devastated and could hardly
hold back all the emotions he felt
right then. Why, why, did I say
such a thing? He questioned his
motives. He loved her but hadn't
been able to tell her, yet.
She waited until he was gone and
slipped out the door. From there
she tried to escape out the back.
Just when she thought she was
in the clear, she heard his voice.
"Sharlotte? Are you okay?"
She turned around and smiled, "Yeah,
it's cool. I'm good, why, what's up?"
He choked back his words. "Are you sure?"
She was good at pretending after all
this time. She had loved him and
could not let him know.
"Yes, I've got to go, though..."
She walked away. It was all she
could do before she would burst into
tears in front of him. She was almost
safe in her car when she heard him again...
"Sharlotte..." he was pretending he had
a microphone in his hand and he sang
a song to her;
"Spending my day, thinking about you...
being here with you, being near to you...
You gotta let me know how you feel....
And I'm wrapped up in your arms...
Because I'm still in love with you...."
She turned and smiled and waved.
When she got home, she put on her
pajamas and cried herself to sleep.
She knew he would not, could not
call her.
It was one of those awful reasons
that Sharlotte knew she could
no longer wait for him. She would have
to let him go. And it was breaking her
He drove home only worried about
Sharlotte. What would she do? She
couldn't give up now...they were so
close...he had fallen in love with her.
He used his key to open the door.
His wife was cooking dinner.
He made his way to the bathroom,
where he stayed for the next hour..
sickness had overcome him and
thoughts of Sharlotte....
June 21, 2013
Song by Al Green, "Still In Love With You"
minute he said it, but the damage was done.
Her face dropped as she realized he was
talking to her and that all the promises
he had made were not to be.
She pretended not to hear as she excused
herself from the room, tears beginning
to roll down her cheeks.
He also knew he couldn't go after her.
It would be too obvious. He had to let
her go, a big lump in his throat.
He looked down , trying to gather
his thoughts and emotions. A panic set
over him.
The restroom was crowded as she
made her way to the open stall.
She was crying uncontrollably now.
She knew exactly what he meant.
She just couldn't' believe he had just
told the world.
She sobbed for the love they
may have had.
He had to leave the room, go find
her, apologize, figure this out...what
to say to her, what to do.
He walked in to the ladies room.
She heard him but couldn't believe
he had come, no qualms on entering
the woman's restroom. She
stayed quiet.
He was devastated and could hardly
hold back all the emotions he felt
right then. Why, why, did I say
such a thing? He questioned his
motives. He loved her but hadn't
been able to tell her, yet.
She waited until he was gone and
slipped out the door. From there
she tried to escape out the back.
Just when she thought she was
in the clear, she heard his voice.
"Sharlotte? Are you okay?"
She turned around and smiled, "Yeah,
it's cool. I'm good, why, what's up?"
He choked back his words. "Are you sure?"
She was good at pretending after all
this time. She had loved him and
could not let him know.
"Yes, I've got to go, though..."
She walked away. It was all she
could do before she would burst into
tears in front of him. She was almost
safe in her car when she heard him again...
"Sharlotte..." he was pretending he had
a microphone in his hand and he sang
a song to her;
"Spending my day, thinking about you...
being here with you, being near to you...
You gotta let me know how you feel....
And I'm wrapped up in your arms...
Because I'm still in love with you...."
She turned and smiled and waved.
When she got home, she put on her
pajamas and cried herself to sleep.
She knew he would not, could not
call her.
It was one of those awful reasons
that Sharlotte knew she could
no longer wait for him. She would have
to let him go. And it was breaking her
He drove home only worried about
Sharlotte. What would she do? She
couldn't give up now...they were so
close...he had fallen in love with her.
He used his key to open the door.
His wife was cooking dinner.
He made his way to the bathroom,
where he stayed for the next hour..
sickness had overcome him and
thoughts of Sharlotte....
June 21, 2013
Song by Al Green, "Still In Love With You"
Thursday, June 20, 2013
stickin' with it
it was some l i t t l e argument
not even worth mentioning
although, I was pretty mad
at the time...
did I tell you, it f e l t good ?
well, I don't have to go into
that now
i don't know what came over me
by the time i was boiling, i knew i
couldn't just let it goooooo.... oh noooooooo !!
o h, it did cause me to have the
H O T S for him!
(let's not go there yet)
so now, I'm in his face...
i'm not just in his face
I'm I N H I S F A C E
and I'm this'n and that'n
and I'm saying "you're going to do that to me?"
and I'm saying, NO, I'm yelling' ;
but, not lettin' him answer not a one of these
pertinent questions.... NOT A ONE...
and I got to admit, I was on a roll
but I wasn't all C R A Z Y
i was makin' sense
And all I could hear him
sayin' was, CALM DOWN
and I'm like, with my face in his, like
damn good stuff
And he said, DAMN GIRL
oh really now..... i said, O H R E A L L Y N O W !
and I was doin' sooooo good! I was !!!
no tears, no screamin' and no repeatin'
that repeatin' shit just means you don't know WHAT THE HELL
you're mad about
But, I had a legitimate beef
and at some point...
at some fine point of this whole slam down
he got really close to me
really really close
almost nose to nose
and he's not lookin' away
he is not backing down
and he's not mad
but he's talkin' to me in this
And I realize damn , I realize
that you are lookin' at me with
those eyes...
don't even go there , PLEASE
my GOD
now, who would have seen this comin'.. it was
like being in a movie....
the sun was just in that one eye...
that one, oh geez, gorgeous eye (I mean,
they're both gorgeous, but it just happened
to be in that one eye...)
all brown, just glowing...glowing shit
just glowing and with a big black pupil
lookin' at me, sparkling and shit
and I'm like,
what the F***K!
all tryin' to use your beautiful gorgeous
eye on me.... THIS just is not fair....
and for a moment, I had some clarity
I did
the clarity told me,
"Look, girl, he's lookin' at you with that
love in his eyes... now, tell me that you
can fight with that? How CAN YOU DO THAT
ANd it took everything, I mean
to not just grab that guy
that absolutely gorgeous guy
and kiss him right there and then
I'm fightin' every urge...
what would be the point of the fight then??????
I'm askin'???
and what do you think happened next?
well, what else, he kept in my face, with his
gorgeous eyes and what else....
talkin' some kind of man-sense...
makin' me feel slightly nutty
just slightly
and he's like, damn girl, i
didn't know you had it in you
but calm down, it's going to be okay
i didn't mean anything by it
i was only kidding....
i was only kidding.....
here's the thing,
you know how we as women, have
to stand up for ourselves and sometimes
we take it just a little too far.....
okay, so I KNOW you understand.....
and well, I know you'll understand
when i tell you, you know,
in the end....
some guys got some kind
of ways of doing stuff... pulling you in
sucking you in to their side of thinking.... now,
don't they? before you know it
don't laugh ladies
in the end, he had me
apologizing to him....
NOW...... don't go there with me....
he deserved the apology
I mean, well, he did. Between clairty and
him explaining what he meant, I did see
his point....but I did get my point
across and he ain't never never never never
going to that again....
but what i liked about that whole blow out was
he never backed down
he never left me while i
was going wild
he had a hold of me and
just fought it out
we fought it out
he told me he was sorry
and the next day
he called me cat woman
there's something to be said about a
guy who sticks with you
in a fight and didn't give up
and didn't let go until I did
that's a hell of a guy .....
made me love him even more....
there's not going to be
a round 2....just sayin..
June 20, 2013
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
what might have been
my tears rolled down my
cheeks, burning my eyes and
blurring my vision..
I could hardly see, driving
the problem is I can't
talk to you
I can't tell you how I
feel oh, I know you know
because it's so
obvious and you, playing all your little
hide n' seek games; spending
hours and days and weeks and months
together, making me feel like
no one could ever be as good as
us like we are....
but I can't tell you baby,
I can't tell you how much I
have fallen for you,
how when you look into
my eyes I want to hold you
forever...I can't tell you how
I want to wake up next to you
and stay with you forever...
So, now that you
got me and I got you where
do we go from here
see that's where I'm
so confused
it's impossible for me
and impossible for you too
we got our secrets
and this is all the love
the two of us will see
So tonight my baby when
I look up at the moon
I'll think about what could
have been and what might
be and wish that all my
sweet love finds you and
one day, maybe
we'll be together
and all our love will
light up the sky and
you'll be mine,
but until that day
I'm still gonna love you
and want you
and cry for
what might have been
what could be
what should be
one day
June 18, 2013
Sunday, June 16, 2013
We had to hide
everything.. and no one could know
how we really felt or how we
really loved each other
the secrets we kept
were tearing us apart
When I saw your face that day
I knew something had
gone completely wrong
and then you told me and
oh, I felt so bad,
so bad for you
and just like that
our secret world started
to fall apart right before
us and like sand in our
hands, slipping away
how was I to know this
was the last time I would
see you, how was I
to know, this would
be the last time I would
be with you
we cried in each other's arms
as you confessed the whole
thing to me, and
I tried not to believe it
I just couldn't even
imagine that my love
could be yanked from
me, in such a way
But, honey, so much
time has passed and I haven't
seen you in so long
and I haven't even
spoken to you
And, my love, I just had to
say, if you see this
or hear my voice or see me
on television or the radio,
please give
me another chance for
I have learned my lesson
and each and every day
I regret not telling you
my side of our secret
world but I've made
a better life for myself
I've got my shit together
and every day, I see you
every where I go and
I pretend you still hold me
and love me
and can't live without me
I want you more then
before and I know that
we can make this work
I've got it bad, baby
Just honey, please,
come back to me
come back to me
the secrets that we had
just makes us that much
stronger, makes me know
that what we had was real
our love was meant to last
they say time heals but
I'm still waiting
waiting for you
my secret
was you
June 16th, 2013.
everything.. and no one could know
how we really felt or how we
really loved each other
the secrets we kept
were tearing us apart
When I saw your face that day
I knew something had
gone completely wrong
and then you told me and
oh, I felt so bad,
so bad for you
and just like that
our secret world started
to fall apart right before
us and like sand in our
hands, slipping away
how was I to know this
was the last time I would
see you, how was I
to know, this would
be the last time I would
be with you
we cried in each other's arms
as you confessed the whole
thing to me, and
I tried not to believe it
I just couldn't even
imagine that my love
could be yanked from
me, in such a way
But, honey, so much
time has passed and I haven't
seen you in so long
and I haven't even
spoken to you
And, my love, I just had to
say, if you see this
or hear my voice or see me
on television or the radio,
please give
me another chance for
I have learned my lesson
and each and every day
I regret not telling you
my side of our secret
world but I've made
a better life for myself
I've got my shit together
and every day, I see you
every where I go and
I pretend you still hold me
and love me
and can't live without me
I want you more then
before and I know that
we can make this work
I've got it bad, baby
Just honey, please,
come back to me
come back to me
the secrets that we had
just makes us that much
stronger, makes me know
that what we had was real
our love was meant to last
they say time heals but
I'm still waiting
waiting for you
my secret
was you
June 16th, 2013.
A Simple Twist
comin' on so strong
thought you had me
when you said you
were wrong
first saying one thing
then the other
trying to confuse me
oh boy, you ain't my lover
comin' on like that
make me believe
it's not where your at
then side steppin' into
your acrobats
makin' me think you care
makin' me think you dare
the thing is that you
underestimated me and what
I could do to you
so, you were deep
into what you wanted to
say and think, how you
had to say it, how you
wanted to play it, you
must have forgot about me
Trying so hard to make
me want you
didn't see me comin'
after you
And now, you don't know
what to do
Just close your eyes
and strap on your belt
it's my turn, baby
the games have just begun
you don't know when it's real
and how it felt
comin' on so strong
and me
wanting you right
or wrong
got you right where
you belong....
and when I feel
you've paid your dues
then you might have me
or not, it's true
See, I'm not your muse
to be played with
and used
you, thinkin'
you had me
now, close your eyes, baby
it's too late and
you've been fooled
there ain't nothin' like
breakin' the golden rule......
Revised 5-28-20
comin' on so strong
thought you had me
when you said you
were wrong
first saying one thing
then the other
trying to confuse me
oh boy, you ain't my lover
comin' on like that
make me believe
it's not where your at
then side steppin' into
your acrobats
makin' me think you care
makin' me think you dare
the thing is that you
underestimated me and what
I could do to you
so, you were deep
into what you wanted to
say and think, how you
had to say it, how you
wanted to play it, you
must have forgot about me
Trying so hard to make
me want you
didn't see me comin'
after you
And now, you don't know
what to do
Just close your eyes
and strap on your belt
it's my turn, baby
the games have just begun
you don't know when it's real
and how it felt
comin' on so strong
and me
wanting you right
or wrong
got you right where
you belong....
and when I feel
you've paid your dues
then you might have me
or not, it's true
See, I'm not your muse
to be played with
and used
you, thinkin'
you had me
now, close your eyes, baby
it's too late and
you've been fooled
there ain't nothin' like
breakin' the golden rule......
Revised 5-28-20
I Was Just Thinkin' ....
I was thinkin' about you last night

not the way it is, but the way it
used to be
I remembered when I would
tell you how much I loved
you, and you hung on
every word
You would look at me with
those beautiful eyes and
without even saying anything
I would know you loved
me too
our love was so strong
I couldn't think of anything
else but you
But lately, we've been at each
And I sense something is
not quite right
Tell me that I'm wrong
that the feelings that
you had, are still going
strong and tell me
that you love me, tell me so true
I'm not going to fight you
I never could
I just want to know, now
are we, have we, come undone
Give me a sign, I need you now
give me something that I can go by
I was thinking about you last night
the way it used to be,
because I still love you just the same
tell me, of all the possibilities
Summer breezes are calling me now
just tell me what I need to know
tell me that are love is still strong
tell me baby, before I go........
June 16, 2013

not the way it is, but the way it
used to be
I remembered when I would
tell you how much I loved
you, and you hung on
every word
You would look at me with
those beautiful eyes and
without even saying anything
I would know you loved
me too
our love was so strong
I couldn't think of anything
else but you
But lately, we've been at each
And I sense something is
not quite right
Tell me that I'm wrong
that the feelings that
you had, are still going
strong and tell me
that you love me, tell me so true
I'm not going to fight you
I never could
I just want to know, now
are we, have we, come undone
Give me a sign, I need you now
give me something that I can go by
I was thinking about you last night
the way it used to be,
because I still love you just the same
tell me, of all the possibilities
Summer breezes are calling me now
just tell me what I need to know
tell me that are love is still strong
tell me baby, before I go........
June 16, 2013
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
The End of My Rope
I knew it was time
I got to the end of that rope
and tried to pull myself up
but, I didn't have the strength
my arms were tired and I was weak
and all I kept thinking was," I can't leave you."
My dreams at night are filled with
all the images of you
smiling, laughing, joking, teasing
your voice haunting each dream
making me want you more then
the day before and the day before
I tried so hard to not feel this way
because what you don't know
is I cried all the way home
It's just that I'm obsessed now.
I can't forget a thing about you
and I can't do anything
anything about it and I can't
change a damn thing about
the way I feel
So, it's the end of my rope
you see and it's time for me
to take
a giant leap, a jump if you will
into your heart,
your mind and your soul and Oh,
I won't be afraid because it was
so inevitable and somehow,
I know how you feel
You see, I see it in your eyes,
in everything you do, you just
don't know what to do and
I just didn't know it would happen
this way, with you, now
So, tomorrow when I see you
I may seem somewhat melancholy,
I may seem a little serious
I may stare into your eyes a little
longer then I usually do
or I may stare at your lips and
you may ask
me what is going on and
I might tell you that today,
yes, today, I've decide that I
love you and even though
it's something we can't do
anything about...I know that
you feel the same... you see,
it's been coming.. it's not what
I wanted...but it's what I got
And for now, if love is all I got,
then I think you ought to take it
It's not given lightly or carelessly
But it's with all my heart that
I give you all I got...and
in the end of this...when weeks and
months and maybe years have passed
you'll know that I was right to
tell you and most of all it was
was the best time ever, to
give up on that rope
We'll be okay,
we really will...
I love you
June 12, 2013
Friday, June 7, 2013
Every Song Reminds Me Of You
"......ewwww, baby baby...
is it true, baby baby
want to be with you, baby baby...
do you love me too, baby baby...."
imagine your kiss, so
gentle on my lips
kissing me down my neck
and then back up
Imagine you and I
alone tonight
that would this love
bring to us on a
dark rainy night
it's only love that
makes me feel this way
and tears my heart away
makes me dream about you
and want you more and
more and more and more...
the fate that brought me here
makes me want you next
to all the times
and every day
only, secretly meeting you
'round the corner
or in some lonely
dark alley
lips touching, love
And the song in my heart,
makes me think nothing
but, about you
all the time and in between times too
daydreaming just you and I
wanting so much more...
but now, you're going to miss me
on those nights when
you'll be thinking how I
loved you and held you
and missed you and wanted
you and would have died
for you
and cried for you
and lied for you
how i gave you everything
and how i never
wanted to part
and those songs keep playing
in my head....."oooohhh, baby baby..."
oh, you're going to miss me
not like before
this time, you'll miss me
more until you cry
until you die
until you break down and
and then...........
the songs keep tearing me apart...
"love me love me, you're gonna' miss me...."
And then you'll know
real love and
" doo wap, baby, love you soooooo"
June 7th, 2013
is it true, baby baby
want to be with you, baby baby...
do you love me too, baby baby...."
imagine your kiss, so
gentle on my lips
kissing me down my neck
and then back up
Imagine you and I
alone tonight
that would this love
bring to us on a
dark rainy night
it's only love that
makes me feel this way
and tears my heart away
makes me dream about you
and want you more and
more and more and more...
the fate that brought me here
makes me want you next
to all the times
and every day
only, secretly meeting you
'round the corner
or in some lonely
dark alley
lips touching, love
And the song in my heart,
makes me think nothing
but, about you
all the time and in between times too
daydreaming just you and I
wanting so much more...
but now, you're going to miss me
on those nights when
you'll be thinking how I
loved you and held you
and missed you and wanted
you and would have died
for you
and cried for you
and lied for you
how i gave you everything
and how i never
wanted to part
and those songs keep playing
in my head....."oooohhh, baby baby..."
oh, you're going to miss me
not like before
this time, you'll miss me
more until you cry
until you die
until you break down and
and then...........
the songs keep tearing me apart...
"love me love me, you're gonna' miss me...."
And then you'll know
real love and
" doo wap, baby, love you soooooo"
June 7th, 2013
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
we're in a hell of a lot of trouble
Not THAT kind of trouble
but a trouble where you've lost control
and one that goes deep inside your soul
You see, there's a thing
I can't put my finger on it yet
But I know it's happening
it's pulling at my heart strings...
but I don't want to stop all
I want it to go on like this forever
and ever
this thing called trouble
see eventually
it's going to envelop me/him/us
until we're sucked into it
further and further
and then, we'll be in the middle of it
we won't wonder why or how
we got there because by then
we won't give a damn
But on our way
oh, there's going to be
lots and lots of trouble
consuming me
tearing me apart
making me want him more and more
coming every day
we'll do it again
he'll call my name and
he'll smile and tease me
make me want him
he'll ask me to call him
or he'll ask me stay with him
and I won't be able to resist
but I'll fight it and pretend I
never heard and he'll have to
repeat it two maybe three times
and then before I know it
he with his magic wand
magic fairy dust
sprinkling trouble all over me
and me just wanting and
waiting for it,
nothing but trouble....
June 4, 2013
Not THAT kind of trouble
but a trouble where you've lost control
and one that goes deep inside your soul
You see, there's a thing
I can't put my finger on it yet
But I know it's happening
it's pulling at my heart strings...
but I don't want to stop all
I want it to go on like this forever
and ever
this thing called trouble
see eventually
it's going to envelop me/him/us
until we're sucked into it
further and further
and then, we'll be in the middle of it
we won't wonder why or how
we got there because by then
we won't give a damn
But on our way
oh, there's going to be
lots and lots of trouble
consuming me
tearing me apart
making me want him more and more
coming every day
we'll do it again
he'll call my name and
he'll smile and tease me
make me want him
he'll ask me to call him
or he'll ask me stay with him
and I won't be able to resist
but I'll fight it and pretend I
never heard and he'll have to
repeat it two maybe three times
and then before I know it
he with his magic wand
magic fairy dust
sprinkling trouble all over me
and me just wanting and
waiting for it,
nothing but trouble....
June 4, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
a song in my heart...
She's going to stop thinking pretty soon and just go with it
It must be pretty clear by now
Everyone else sees it, does that mean that they see it too
He calls her name....
" Sara, your the poet in my heart..."
And she asks herself; how do you know..
I mean really "know"
She's trying not to over-think things...
he hugged me - he wants me...
he flirts with me - he loves me
he makes me laugh - he wants to marry me
huh? what?
and on and on and on and on and on
"wait a minute baby.....stay with me awhile..."
He said he misses her, come see me, he says.
she says, I'm coming......
when they meet, will it be the way she wants, the way he wants...
does he mean I miss you miss you
Or is it, I miss you miss you
Trying not to read into or out of things...
We got this thing...This thing called.....
It's just that we can't
put our fingers on this thing...
can't describe it, just know
we got this thing...
"drowning in the sea of love, where everyone drowns..."
Right not, right right now, right now
is he thinking of her...
the way that she's thinking of him....
She's reaching for him, wants him, needs him...
and the song goes on...
"in the sea of love, where everyone drowns, then call me
call me home.."
June, 2013
Song by Fleetwood Mac "Sara"
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